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0950419 (Treated)Very good hot set potential. Fruit are an attractive red color, firm, and have good shelf life. Suited for both mature green and vine ripe markets.
Disease Resistant Codes Fol Ss Vd Aal Va Sl TSWV TYLCV Sbl
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici TSWV Tomato spotted wilt Tomato spotted wilt virus TYLCV Tomato yellow leaf curl Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici -
0950419M (Treated, Pellet)Very good hot set potential. Fruit are an attractive red color, firm, and have good shelf life. Suited for both mature green and vine ripe markets.Disease Resistant Codes Sl Sbl TSWV Va Aal Ss TYLCV Vd Fol
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici TSWV Tomato spotted wilt Tomato spotted wilt virus Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani TYLCV Tomato yellow leaf curl Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici -
0950409 (Treated)Early maturing, extra‐large fruit are an attractive red, very firm and smooth shouldered with a superior flavor. Suited for both mature green and vine ripe markets. Concentrated set, high yield potential.Disease Resistant Codes Sl Sbl TSWV Va For Aal Ss Vd Fol
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici TSWV Tomato spotted wilt Tomato spotted wilt virus Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum For Fusarium crown and root rot Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici -
0950409M (Treated, Pellet)Early maturing, extra‐large fruit are an attractive red, very firm and smooth shouldered with a superior flavor. Suited for both mature green and vine ripe markets. Concentrated set, high yield potential.Disease Resistant Codes Sl Sbl TSWV Va For Aal Ss Vd Fol
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici TSWV Tomato spotted wilt Tomato spotted wilt virus Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum For Fusarium crown and root rot Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici -
0950397 (Treated)Widely adapted, mid‐early maturing grape on mid‐compact determinate plants with good vigor. High yield potential. Deep red fruit are very smooth, uniform, and firm. Great flavor profile! Limited to no pruning needed.Disease Resistant Codes Sl Sbl ToMV For Ss Fol
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici ToMV Tomato mosaic Tomato mosaic virus For Fusarium crown and root rot Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici -
0950326U (Untreated)A step above your typical roma with high yields. For classic Italian flavor with an extra kick, the San Marzano is perfect. Great in sauces and baked dishes.
0950430 (Treated)Ideal for both the vine ripe and mature green market. The vigorous plant type produces a large set of extra‐large smooth fruit all the way to the top of plant with good canopy cover to help reduce the risk of sunscald.
Disease Resistant Codes Fol Ss Vd Va Aal TSWV Mi Mj Ma Sl Sbl
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici TSWV Tomato spotted wilt Tomato spotted wilt virus Mi Root-knot Meloidogyne incognita Mj Root-knot Meloidogyne javanica Ma Root-knot Meloidogyne arenaria Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici -
0950430M (Treated, Pellet)Ideal for both the vine ripe and mature green market. The vigorous plant type produces a large set of extra‐large smooth fruit all the way to the top of plant with good canopy cover to help reduce the risk of sunscald.
Disease Resistant Codes Fol Va Vd Ss Aal Sl Sbl Mi Mj Ma
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici Mi Root-knot Meloidogyne incognita Mj Root-knot Meloidogyne javanica Ma Root-knot Meloidogyne arenaria -
0950209 (Treated)Fruit has a good shelf life and firm, great tasting flesh. Vigorous plant provides good fruit cover and excellent yields. For basket weave or row crop culture. DF/GS
Disease Resistant Codes Fol Ss Aal Vd Va
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum -
0950209M (Treated, Pellet)Fruit has a good shelf life and firm, great tasting flesh. Vigorous plant provides good fruit cover and excellent yields. For basket weave or row crop culture. DF/GS
Disease Resistant Codes Fol Ss Aal Vd Va
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum