0160199T (Cruiser or equivalent)High yielding, dark, easy to harvest 3-4 sieve bean with consistent yields. Good heat tolerance.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Pss Psp Xap
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Pss Bacterial brown spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Psp Halo blight Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola Xap Common or fuscous blight Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli -
0160170T (Cruiser or equivalent)Straight medium green pods with 80% 3-4 sieve size. The plant sets well, upright off the ground. It has a high yield potential and holds well in the field.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Cl Pss Psp
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Cl Anthracnose Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Pss Bacterial brown spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Psp Halo blight Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola -
0160210T (Cruiser or equivalent)Produces pods that resist breaking and bruising in machine harvest. Widely adaptable and consistent high yield potential across most bean growing regions. Upright bush style variety with concentrated pod set for harvest efficiency.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus -
0160189T (Cruiser or equivalent)Upright vigorous plant with excellent root system. Medium dark green straight round 3-4 sieve pods hold well in the field. Consistent set, reliable yields. Patented variety.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Ua BCTV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Ua Rust Uromyces appendiculatus BCTV Beet curly top virus Beet curly top virus -
0160214T (Cruiser or equivalent)Sets and yields well in warmer planting slots from spring to summer. Consistent marketable yields, upright plant, smooth straight pods.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Ua BCTV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Ua Rust Uromyces appendiculatus BCTV Beet curly top virus Beet curly top virus -
0160202T (Cruiser or equivalent)Sybaris type, with dark green color, with mostly 4 sieve size. Upright plant that harvest cleanly and majority of the pods (approx. 80%) retain their peduncles. High yields. Exclusive.
Disease Resistant Codes Ua
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Ua Rust Uromyces appendiculatus -
0160218T (Cruiser or equivalent)Excellent plant stability. High pod set. Robust disease resistance package.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus -
0160022T (Cruiser or equivalent)Standard fresh market or shipping variety for cool soil, early or late sowings. Medium green round pods, concentrated
set for machine harvest.Disease Resistant Codes BCMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus -
0160016T (Cruiser or equivalent)A major player in the hand‐harvest lima market. Good pod set.
0160159T (Cruiser or equivalent)Excellent, late main season, medium dark green bean. Upright plant, straight smooth pods with slow seed development. Excellent yield potential. Patented Variety.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Heat Cl Pss Ua Psp Xap
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Heat Heat Heat Cl Anthracnose Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Pss Bacterial brown spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Ua Rust Uromyces appendiculatus Psp Halo blight Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola Xap Common or fuscous blight Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli