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Availability: Sold Out

Availability Date: Other treatment forms available

Extra‐large saladette extremely uniform in shape. Thick fruit walls, exceptional shelf life. Jointed with uniform green shoulders. Very firm.

Disease Resistant Codes Va Sl Mj Ma Sbl Fol Vd Ss Aal Mi

Code Common Name Scientific Name
Va Verticillium wilt Verticillium albo-atrum
Sl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium lycopersici
Mj Root-knot Meloidogyne javanica
Ma Root-knot Meloidogyne arenaria
Sbl Gray leaf spot Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. lycopersici
Fol Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
Vd Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae
Ss Gray leaf spot Stemphylium solani
Aal Alternaria stem canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici
Mi Root-knot Meloidogyne incognita

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As low as $54.13
Product Unit Price
0.50000 M $54.13
1.00000 M $88.37
5.00000 M $408.70
25.00000 M $1,957.00
100.00000 M $7,364.00

("M" = 1000 seeds)

More Information
Item Number 0950108
Variety Name MARIANA
Availability Date Other treatment forms available
Availability Sold Out
Fruit Shape Deep Blocky Plum
Fruit Size Extra Large, 4.5 oz.
Plant Small-Medium
Plant Habit Determinate
Relative Days 74 (TP)
Resistance/Tolerance HR: Aal, Fol: 1, 2, Va: 1, Vd: 1, IR: Ma, Mi, Mj, Sbl, Sl, Ss
Extra‐large saladette extremely uniform in shape. Thick fruit walls, exceptional shelf life. Jointed with uniform green shoulders. Very firm.