0160182T (Cruiser or equivalent)Medium dark green, straight pods, 3‐4 sieve on upright plants offer high pod placement for easy harvesting. Large yield potential. Patented variety.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Pss Ua Psp BCTV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Pss Bacterial brown spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Ua Rust Uromyces appendiculatus Psp Halo blight Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola BCTV Beet curly top virus Beet curly top virus -
0160189T (Cruiser or equivalent)Upright vigorous plant with excellent root system. Medium dark green straight round 3-4 sieve pods hold well in the field. Consistent set, reliable yields. Patented variety.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Ua BCTV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Ua Rust Uromyces appendiculatus BCTV Beet curly top virus Beet curly top virus -
0160143T (Cruiser or equivalent)Reliable yellow wax bean with excellent quality suited for wax bean markets. Consistent performance across locations and growing conditions. High yield potential.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Psp
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Psp Halo blight Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola -
0160172T (Cruiser or equivalent)Availability: Sold Out
This high yielding Romano bean with its upright vine habit and concentrated pod set make it well suited for both mechanical and hand harvesting.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus -
0160006T (Cruiser or equivalent)Availability: Crop Fail
Availability Date: January 2026
Popular fresh market, long distance shipper. Round, straight pods are medium green.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus -
0160110T (Cruiser or equivalent)High quality, low fiber, 3 sieve type. Straight dark green pods are well positioned on the plant and set well in hot weather. PVP.
Disease Resistant Codes BCMV Ua
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus Ua Rust Uromyces appendiculatus -
0160185T (Cruiser or equivalent)Robust variety producing high yields of high‐quality straight pods. Pod pubescence protects against wind scar and thrips damage. Excellent germination and plant vigor. Well adapted for heat and stress tolerance.Disease Resistant Codes BCMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name BCMV Bean common mosaic Bean common mosaic virus