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0290076 (Treated)Smooth, straight, cylindrical carrots are very uniform in shape and type.
Disease Resistant Codes Bolt Ad Ps Eh Cc
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Bolt Bolting Bolting Ad Alternaria leaf blight Alternaria dauci Ps Cavity spot Pythium sulcatum Eh Powdery mildew Erysiphe heraclei Cc Cercospora leaf blight Cercospora carotae -
0290073 (Treated)Unique medium purple exterior and interior core is a beautiful yellow hue. Tapered roots. Patented variety.
Disease Resistant Codes Bolt
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Bolt Bolting Bolting -
0290090 (Treated)Very uniform, smooth, cylindrical medium orange roots with blunt tips and an excellent sweet taste. Outstanding orange interiors. Suitable for mechanical harvesting.
Disease Resistant Codes Ad Eh
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Ad Alternaria leaf blight Alternaria dauci Eh Powdery mildew Erysiphe heraclei -
0290090M (Treated, Pellet)Very uniform, smooth, cylindrical medium orange roots with blunt tips and an excellent sweet taste. Outstanding orange interiors. Suitable for mechanical harvesting.
Disease Resistant Codes Ad Eh
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Ad Alternaria leaf blight Alternaria dauci Eh Powdery mildew Erysiphe heraclei -
0400170T (FarMore FI400)Great uniform smooth green fruit with plants that have a strong vigorous vine. High yield potential.
Disease Resistant Codes Ccu Psl CMV Px Co Pcu ZYMV PRSV WMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Ccu Scab and gummosis Cladosporium cucumerinum Psl Angular leaf spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans CMV Cucumber mosaic Cucumber mosaic virus Px Powdery mildew Podosphaera xanthii Co Anthracnose Colletotrichum orbiculare Pcu Downy mildew Pseudoperonospora cubensis ZYMV Zucchini yellows Zucchini yellow mosaic yirus PRSV Papaya ringspot Papaya ringspot virus WMV Watermelon mosaic Watermelon mosaic virus -
0400119U (Untreated)Tremendous quality, uniform size and shape. Dark green color, excellent shipping ability and high yields. Multi-virus resistant disease package. Strong vines, healthy and productive when other varieties succumb to virus pressures. Mongoose = Snake Killer! Exclusive.
Disease Resistant Codes Ccu Psl Cca CMV Co PRSV Px WMV ZYMV
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Ccu Scab and gummosis Cladosporium cucumerinum Psl Angular leaf spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans Cca Corynespora blight and target spot Corynespora cassiicola CMV Cucumber mosaic Cucumber mosaic virus Co Anthracnose Colletotrichum orbiculare PRSV Papaya ringspot Papaya ringspot virus Px Powdery mildew Podosphaera xanthii WMV Watermelon mosaic Watermelon mosaic virus ZYMV Zucchini yellows Zucchini yellow mosaic yirus -
0400119T (FarMore FI400)Tremendous quality, uniform size and shape. Dark green color, excellent shipping ability and high yields. Multi-virus resistant disease package. Strong vines, healthy and productive when other varieties succumb to virus pressures. Mongoose = Snake Killer! Exclusive.
Disease Resistant Codes Px WMV PRSV ZYMV CMV Cca Co Ccu Psl
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Px Powdery mildew Podosphaera xanthii WMV Watermelon mosaic Watermelon mosaic virus PRSV Papaya ringspot Papaya ringspot virus ZYMV Zucchini yellows Zucchini yellow mosaic yirus CMV Cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic virus Cca Corynespora blight and target spot Corynespora cassiicola Co Anthracnose Colletotrichum orbiculare Ccu Scab and gummosis Cladosporium cucumerinum Psl Angular leaf spot Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans -
0400067 (Treated)Ideal consistent burpless slicer with an excellent L/D ratio and exceptional taste. Bedding plant.
Disease Resistant Codes Ccu CMV Px Co Pcu
XCode Common Name Scientific Name Ccu Scab and gummosis Cladosporium cucumerinum CMV Cucumber mosaic Cucumber mosaic virus Px Powdery mildew Podosphaera xanthii Co Anthracnose Colletotrichum orbiculare Pcu Downy mildew Pseudoperonospora cubensis