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0190093U (Untreated)Leafy, nutritious annual brassica that is very palatable to all classes of livestock. Excellent multiple‐graze forage with high yield that provides excellent feed value. Seed 3‐5 lbs. per acre. -
0190101U (Untreated)Distinctive mustard with purplish/red leaves and the highest glucosinolate production currently available. Vigorous growth with high leaf biomass and an extensive root system. A good choice for organic or conventional growers with high disease and/or nematode pressure. Seeding rate: 8‐10 lbs. per acre.
0800084U (Untreated)Tillage Radish® drills down where steel cannot reach. It tills the soil naturally and better than any tillage equipment possibly can. Easty to plant, reaching full growth within 30 days. Taproot typically reaches over 30". Rapid spring decay results in massive soil voids for air and water movement. Improves drainage and air movement and helps suppress nematodes. Shades out winter annual weeds with dense foliage cover.
Drilling: (7.5" rows), 6 lbs. per acre.
Broadcast/Aerial: 8‐10 lbs. per acre.
Precision Planting (15" with 4: in‐row spacing): 4 lbs. per acre.
For Forage: Increase drilling rate to 9‐10 lbs. per acre.