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Item Number
(Cruiser or equivalent)

Availability: Sold Out

Availability Date: TBD 2026


Extra large cylindrical blunt ears. Easy to pick, waist high ears have good tip fill and cover. Great taste, very tender.

Disease Resistant Codes Pst Ps Et

Code Common Name Scientific Name
Pst Stewart’s wilt Pantoea stewartii
Ps Common rust Puccinia sorghi
Et Northern leaf blight Exserohilum turcicum

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As low as $19.43
Product Unit Price
2.50000 M $19.43
25.00000 M $180.00
50.00000 M $339.00
100.00000 M $629.00
500.00000 M $3,025.00

("M" = 1000 seeds)

More Information
Item Number 0030036T
Variety Name LUSCIOUS
Availability Date TBD 2026
Availability Sold Out
Ear Height 15"
Ear Length 8.5"
Plant Height 6.25'
Relative Days 73 (DS)
Resistance/Tolerance IR: Et, Ps, Pst
Row Count 16-18

Extra large cylindrical blunt ears. Easy to pick, waist high ears have good tip fill and cover. Great taste, very tender.